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Updated: Aug 29, 2023


Eight articles from Manfred Waldemar Kohl

Festschrift: Essays on Holistic Biblical Ministries (Part III)


  1. "Itching Ears and Willing Learners: Balancing the Clarity and Complexity of Scripture" by Bruce Barron (p. 261)

  2. "Confronting Lying Biblically in Honor- and Shame-Oriented Cultures" by Ajith Fernando (p. 267)

  3. "Faithful Ministry: An Exposition of 2 Timothy" by Kevin G. Smith (p. 279)

  4. "God’s Word for God’s World: Toward a Gospel-Centered Faith" by Samuel Richmond Saxena (p. 293)

  5. "Plumbing the Sacred: Narrative Approaches to Understanding Non-Western Christian Ethical, Political, and Theological Discourse" by Thomas Alan Harvey (p. 305)

  6. "Integrity and World Evangelization: What is the Connection?" by David W. Bennett (p. 323)

  7. "Living in Global Integrity: Moral Wholeness for a More Whole World" by Kelly O’Donnell and Michèle Lewis O’Donnell (p. 335) - concomitant resource

  8. "The Book of Romans as a Charter for World Missions — Why Mission and Theology Have to Go Together: Thoughts on the Relationship of Theology, Missiology and Mission" by Thomas Schirrmacher (p. 353)

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